Underwater Treadmills & More
The Future of Fitness
Burn 40% More Calories
Low Impact and Pain Free
Lose Weight Faster
Tone and Build Lean Muscle Faster
Most Efficient Way to Reach Your Health Goals
More Fun and Private than going to a Gym.
Gain a Competitive Advantage like the Pros
Lower Body Fat Composition
Improve Flexibility
Reduce Blood Pressure
Lower Blood Sugar
Regain Your Mobility
Improve your Strength
Improve Your Balance & Coordination
Underwater Treadmills
Great for Exercise, Therapy, & Cross-Training
Those who suffer with arthritis, muscle spasms, back pain, fibromyalgia, and chronic pain find that using the properties of warm water during therapy/exercise assists in relaxing muscles, increasing circuation, and releiving pain are especially therapeutic. Warm water is much more comfortable, enjoyable, and relaxing compared to cold "swimming pools."
Viscosity of water provides an excellent source of resistance which allows for muscle toning and strengthening without tusing weights. Hydrostatic pressure increases circulation while decreasing swelling and inflammation. Aquatic exercise in standing depth water helps maintain stronger bones and reduce osteoporosis.
Aquatic exercise offers a less stressful mode of hitting all major muscle groups and the cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal, and nervous system in one workout - making it a great exercise for people of all ages and interests!