Aquatic-Aerobic Exercise as a Means of Stress Reduction during Pregnancy
The female body endures many changes during pregnancy, the effects of which can cause many different physical ailments. Water exercise can be extremely beneficial during this time.
Relaxin is a chemical released during pregnancy to prepare the pelvis for movement during childbirth and helps to loosen ligaments.Although this is extremely helpful for childbirth, it can cause mild to intense back pain throughout an entire pregnancy. Aquatic therapy can provide relief in multiple ways. The warmth and buoyancy of the water offers relief from back pain by relaxing tired muscles and removing up to 80% of one’s body weight. While removing bodyweight for exercise can be beneficial for everyone, those with the added weight of pregnancy gain additional relief. The difficulty with back pain during pregnancy is that the best way to avoid the pain is to strengthen muscles in the core. Exercising can be difficult while pregnant and particularly uncomfortable. In the water, aquatic exercises can be done to strengthen the core and leg muscles to help mitigate the back pain and reduce it moving forward. Doing these exercises in water are easier due to the reduced weight and reduced effects of gravity.
The laxity of the ligaments during pregnancy also increases the risk of injury during exercise.
Water creates a safe place to exercise where falling is not a risk. The safety that water provides is ideal to continue working out during pregnancy. A study in the Journal of Obstetric, Gynecological & Neonatal Nursing states that exercising even just one time per week in water can reduce back pain up to 50% compared to land-based exercise.
Weight gain is another factor that also leads to increased back pain.Although weight gain is inevitable during pregnancy, water therapy can reduce the effects. By reducing one’s weight by up to 80%, movement is easier, pain is decreased and relief is finally felt. One of the big fears one faces when becoming pregnant is the fear of gaining too much weight. Although healthy weight gain is important for the growth of the baby, many people want to find ways to control their pregnancy weight. Keeping up with exercise during pregnancy is typically safe, and suggested, in order to help the weight come off faster after pregnancy. As time goes on, typical exercise methods may become uncomfortable and exhausting. Aquatic therapy offers a medium in which to workout while staying comfortable without overdoing it. The viscosity of water also adds resistance without adding weights, which means that exercise can continue to be effective without adding strain and pain to one’s growing body. Staying active will keep excessive weight gain at bay and keep mom and baby healthy.
Another common side effect of pregnancy is swelling in the legs, ankles and feet.Water is an ideal environment for relieving some of the swelling. The hydrostatic pressure of water naturally increases circulation and decreases swelling in the lower extremities. Hydrostatic pressure is defined as the weight of water on one’s body in all directions at the same time. This increased circulation drives the fluid upward in the body, resulting in decreased swelling.According to a research study at the University of Idaho, water therapy can cause improved sleep patterns. For pregnant women, this can have dramatic effects. Oftentimes, sleep becomes more difficult later in pregnancy, when it is most important. Exercising in water can provide the extra boost one might need in order to get a good night’s sleep!
Water exercise can be beneficial for baby too.It has also been seen in studies of pregnant women, that aquatic exercise can show less fetal heart rate changes during exertion than land exercise.